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2019-2-27 · 本文章向大家介绍Linux的SIGUSR1和SIGUSR2信号,主要包括Linux的SIGUSR1和SIGUSR2信号使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友 … linux内核下的异步通信SIGUSR1-CSDN论坛 2015-9-3 linux中具体的signal(kill … 2015-5-18 · 10) SIGUSR1 留给用户使用 11) SIGSEGV 试图访问未分配给自己的内存, 或试图往没有写权限的内存地址写数据. 12) SIGUSR2 留给用户使用 13) SIGPIPE 管道破裂。 这个信号通常在进程间通信产生,比如采用FIFO(管道)通信的两个进程,读管道没打开或者意外终止就往管道写,写进程会收到SIGPIPE信号。

Wed Jan 6 20:50:08 2010: SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting When I set up OpenVPN on my work server, I generated a key/csr/crt for the server and another set for the client. I copied the client to my mac, and set up Viscosity with the server CA, the client CRT and client KEY.

SIGUSR1[soft,connection-reset] received, process restarting and then it keeps reconnecting and so starts an infinite re-try ping-pong between my work laptop and my private laptop. What I would like to achieve is the first active connection to die and NOT retry once a second connection is made. I was looking for such a config directive but failed.

2011-4-7 · caught SIGUSR1, no : 10 epoll_wait return -1 and EINTR 由此我们得出结论: 当安装了信号处理函数时,如果进程收到了信号,会首先调用信号处理函数,信号处理 完成后返回时,epoll_wait返回-1,错误码置位EINTR

Oct 09, 2006 · I inherited a middleware that already used SIGUSR1 for signalling a 'thread injection' and SIGUSR2 for some fault tolerance/checkpointing purposes. Quick Navigation Networking/Device Communication Top The "SIGUSR1" signal is a "user"-defined signal that you can use however you like. it is never generated by the system. The most common use of the trap command though is to trap the bash-generated psuedo-signal named EXIT. Overview¶. When used with the --logpath option or systemLog.path setting, mongod and mongos instances report a live account of all activity and operations to a log file. When reporting activity data to a log file, by default, MongoDB only rotates logs in response to the logRotate command, or when the mongod or mongos process receives a SIGUSR1 signal from the operating system.